Welcome to My table
/I was fortunate enough to grow up in a home where nearly every meal was home cooked, be it breakfast, lunch, or dinner. My mom never stopped working, providing us a home that was not only beautiful, but always smelled delicious! Although I'd help in the kitchen when it came time to bake cookies and lick the bowl clean of fresh dough, that was my extent of usefulness in that part of the home.
Fast forward 19 years later. I am living on my own in my newly bought condo. Life could not be better. Except for the fact that now I have to feed myself, by myself. For the next 7, 8 years the meals in my home could either be made using the microwave or by dialing the number restaurant delivery.
The day is March 26, 2016. It goes down in my books as the best day of my life. I am getting married! Along with this epic celebration come some pretty epic gifts: top of the line pots and pans, beautiful sets of China, NY Times Cookbooks, and of course, the one and only KitchenAid Mixer. Shortly thereafter, something went off in me. All of a sudden I started cooking up a storm. I would cook two meals a day, 4 days a week. Just like that. I started collecting more and more cookbooks and recipes, curtesy of Buzzfeed's Tasty, and would find myself going to the grocery store daily, to pick up fresh ingredients for that specific meal. For me, and my wife, parents, family, and friends, this was a phenomenon.
Hence this site. With my newly found passion of cooking and baking, I want a space I can call my own, where I can record meals I love to make, save recipes to be shared with you, as well as expand on my other passions, such as my family, photography, traveling, my business, and everything else that falls in between.